Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves and thereby reveal themselves selectively.

The Personal Privacy Protection Law protects you from the random collection of personal information by state agencies. The law enables you to access and/or correct information on file which pertains to you. It also regulates disclosure of personal information to persons authorized by law to have access for official use. Only personal information maintained by the Department of Health is available from the Department of Health. Personal medical records are not available from the Department.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

You are the CEO of a three-year-old software manufacturer
that has several products and annual revenues
in excess of 500 million dollars.
You've just received a recommendation from the manager of software
development to hire three notorious crackers to
probe your software products in an attempt to
identify any vulnerabilities.
The reasoning is that if anyone can find a vulnerability
in your software, they can.
This will give your firm a head start on
developing parches to fix the problems before anyone can exploit them.
You're not sure, and feel uneasy about hiring
people with criminal records and connections to
unsavory members of the hacker/cracker community.
What would you do?

*If I were in that situation as a CEO, hackers
are not the right persons to solve that problem.
*As a professional and also a CEO. I'll develop
some option to conquer that problem.
*I'll never tolerate criminals to be the ones who
are going to exploit our software.
*We are not sure what they will do after they
finished exploiting.


Your friend just told you that he is developing a worm to attack
the administrative systems at your college.
The worm is "harmless" and will simply cause a message - "Let's party!" - to be
displayed on all workstations on Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. By 4 p. m.,
the virus will erase itself and destroy all evidence of its presence.
What would you say or do?

*If that person is my friend, I'll ask him about the
reason and purpose of what he is going to do.
*If his explanation is unreasonable to do that kind of things.
It's the right time for me to develop some option to stop
that foolishness plan.
*I'll talk him confidentially about the risk that will be
encounter the school.
*And also I'll teach him how to be a good person and how to
avoid unacceptable action.
*If he insist his plan. It's hard for me but I'll
will do the right thing, I'll tell to whom
have a power to stop his plan.